Contrary to popular belief, its not quite that simple!
You need to ask yourself a few questions to ensure that you get the right product for the job. Using a substrate which is unsuitable can ultimately lead to the product failing standards and/or result in costly rejections or re-labelling.

Adhesive Type
What are you sticking the label on?
e.g. The adhesive type could be for card, metal, or re-applicable.
What type of environment is that label going to be placed in?
e.g. Hot environments or a freezer, both need specialist adhesives.
Material Type
What type of environment is that label going to be placed in?
e.g. Paper absorbs moisture from humid or cool damp atmospheres, so PP / PE would be better, but more expensive.
What is the expected life of the label?
e.g. Single use to a depot, or lifetime on a product?

Will the labels be overprinted before use?
e.g. In this case the face stock will be an important consideration as will the type of printing, i.e. Direct Thermal, Thermal Transfer, Laser, Inkjet.
In order to achieve the best result possible all of this must be considered. We at progressive ID are vastly experienced with labels and as part of the Reflex Labels group can supply any label you could possibly need using only the finest materials from all available manufacturers.
We can advise you without obligation on the best combinations to use for your particular requirement.
Please contact us to discuss your labelling requirements.